Tom McBride
Chief Operating Officer

Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki ahau. Tīhei mauriora!
Ruapehu te maunga, Whangaehu te awa, Ngāti Apa te iwi, Ngāti Rangiwhakaturia te hapū, Whangaehu te marae, Ruatea te rangatira, Kura Haupō te waka.
Coming from an extremely complex background and upbringing, Tom is well versed and placed to deliver optimal outcomes requiring cultural sensitivity. Hailing originally from Whanganui, and later, Christchurch, Tom has real life experience in "pulling himself up by the bootstraps", pushing through adversity and making the best of any opportunity. Tom is an experienced business management specialist, having held operational management and other senior roles across a variety of industries including security, technology, retail, agriculture and hospitality, as well as formerly sitting on the national board of directors for a prominent Not-for-Profit. Tom has consultancy experience into local and state governments. Tom is passionate about helping those in need, and has a wealth of experience helping Māori, and Indigenous Australians. He wholeheartedly believes in everybody having a fair say in our justice system and is committed to providing a strong voice for those who struggle to speak for themselves.
Saylor Academy
Diploma in Public Relations
Access Training and Logistics
Certificate III in Hospitality